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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Father's Promise

Rudi Kaplan is a Christian Jew. But just because he is saved doesn't stop the Germans from tormented him.

It is 1939 in Warsaw, Poland. Rudi's father is a doctor who works in the local hospital. Rudi sometimes goes along to help him. He sees many things there that could change his life forever. Then Rudi's father refuses the Germans' order to poison injured Jews. Dr. Kaplan knows that the Nazis will be back for him. So he sends Rudi to live in the forest. For the next five years Rudi has to survive on his own in the woods outside Warsaw.

But even though Rudi was spared the concentration camps, others may not have been. What about his father or his best friend Salek? Did they succumb evil of the death camps?

This book was written by Donnalynn Hess and was published by BJU Press.